a website dedicated to the memory of Adolphe Monod (1802-1856)



Sermons and Discourses

We are in possession of 58 sermons or discourses on biblical topics by Adolphe Monod :

NB: One star (*) after the title means that an English review of the sermon is provided, two stars (**) that a review and an English translation are available.

1. The Misery of Man (Naples/Lyon, 1828) **

2. The Mercy of God (Naples/Lyon, 1828) **

3. Sanctification By Truth (Lyon, 1828)

4. Sanctification by Free Salvation (Lyon, 1829)

5. Can You Die in Peace? (Lyon, 1829)

6. The Peccadillo of Adam (Lyon, 1830)

7. Are You a Murderer? (Lyon, 1830)

8. Who May Take Communion? (Lyon, 1831)

9. Creation (Lyon, 1833)

10. God’s Mercy for the Unconverted Christian I (Mens, 1834)

11. God’s Mercy for the Unconverted Christian II (Mens, 1834)

12. All-Powerful Faith (La foi toute-puissante) (Lyon, 1835)

13. The Philippian Jailer (Montauban?, 1836)

14. The Bliss of Christian Life (Montauban ?, 1838)

15. The Demoniac (Montauban?, 1838)

16. Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness : the Battle (Montauban?, 1839)

17. Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness : the Victory (Montauban?, 1839)

18. Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness : the Weapons (Montauban?, 1839)

19. Herod and John the Baptist (Montauban?, 1840?)

20. Dance and Martyr (Montauban?, 1840?)

21. Are You a Christian? (Montauban?, 1841)

22. The Credulity of the Unbeliever (Montauban?, 1841)

23. The Lover of Money (Montauban?, 1841)

24. God is Love (Montauban?, 1843)

25. What Would You Be Without Christ? (Montauban, 1843)

26. The Living Word (Paris, 1847)

27. The Name of Jesus (Paris, 1847)

28. Woman I (Paris, 1848)

29. Woman II (Paris, 1848)

30. Fatalism (Paris, 1848)

31. Nathanael or The Biased But Sincere Mind (Paris, 1848 ?)

32. The Calling of the Church (Paris, 1849)

33. Foundations in Ruins I (Paris, 1849)

34. Foundations in Ruins II (Paris, 1849)

35. Who is Thirsty? (Paris, 1849)

36. Great souls (Paris, 1849 ?)

37. God’s Plan (Paris, 1850)

38. Give Me Your Heart (Paris, 1850)

39. Mary Magdalene (Paris, 1850)

40. Saint Paul I (Paris, 1851)

41. Saint Paul II (Paris, 1851)

42. Saint Paul III (Paris, 1851)

43. Saint Paul IV (Paris, 1851)

44. Saint Paul V (Paris, 1851)

45. The Child Jesus, a Model for Children (Paris, 1851)

46. The Incarnate Son of God (Paris, 1851)

47. Like Child, Like Man (Paris, 1852)

48. Inspiration proven by its works (Paris, 1852)

49. Exclusivism, or the Unity of Faith (Paris, 1852 ?)

50. Tradition (Paris, 1853)

51. Jesus-Christ Baptised, or The Trinity (Paris, 1853)

52. Grace, or The Father’s Work (Paris, 1853)

53. The Son’s Work, or Propitiation (Paris, 1853)

54. The Childhood of Jesus, or Christian Education (Paris, 1853)

55. Too Late, or God’s Threats Are Not Vain (Paris, 1854)

56. Born For Death (Paris, 1854)

57. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (Paris, 1855)

58. Water That Gives Eternal Life (Paris 1855)


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